Yoga Modifications

Have you ever Practiced Yoga or Fitness Outdoors?

Have you ever Practiced Yoga or Fitness Outdoors?

Many of us have taken fitness and yoga classes at a gym. Whether it is a fancy studio or basic weight training club, these facilities provide an awesome service, especially during the colder months of the year. However, when the weather gets warmer, there is nothing quite as wonderful as working out in the beautiful outdoors!

Yoga Alternatives for Students with Wrist & Shoulder Pain

Yoga Alternatives for Students with Wrist & Shoulder Pain

I have now been teaching for over 10 years and one of the main issues that keep students from coming to yoga is wrist and shoulder pain. These issues can be chronic i.e. osteoarthritis or they can be acute i.e. broken elbow. The good news is, none of these problems need to prevent you from practicing yoga.