Yoga Alternatives for Students with Wrist & Shoulder Pain

“Yoga is for Everyone, but not all poses are for Everyone,” Jason Crandell

I have now been teaching for over 10 years and one of the main issues that keep students from coming to class is wrist and shoulder pain. These issues can be chronic i.e. osteoarthritis or they can be acute i.e. broken elbow. The good news is, none of these problems need to prevent you from practicing yoga.

That does not mean to say I would recommend an ashtanga practice or power yoga. However, any type of Hatha, Hatha flow, Gentle Yoga, or Yin would be perfect. They key is to listen to your own body and find alternatives.

Here are 4 pose alternatives to traditional yoga poses that work really well.

  1. Puppy Pose in place of Downward Dog. Students are able to find the length in their spine without compromising their wrists or shoulders.

  2. Table Top or Long Table Top in Place of Plank. Students can strengthen their core and shoulders without the weight of their whole body. If this option is painful, students can practice this pose seated or kneeling.

  3. Cat/Cow can replace Chaturanga (yoga push-ups) while also getting the benefit of opening the spine. This pose can also be done as a seated version.

  4. Low Cobra rather than Upward Facing Dog. This pose allows the students to do a gentle back bend while maintaining proper alignment. I like this option for the wrists and shoulders, as well as, for a cranky low back.