Have you ever Practiced Yoga or Fitness Outdoors?

Many of us have taken fitness and yoga classes at a gym. Whether it is a fancy studio or basic weight training club, these facilities provide an awesome service, especially during the colder months of the year. However, when the weather gets warmer, there is nothing quite as wonderful as working out in the beautiful outdoors!

Benefits of Practicing Yoga & Fitness Outside:

1. Boosts Your Mood:

Getting out of the house and changing your environment is a great way to improve your physical and emotional health. It is even more beneficial if you are practicing in a group, where you can build a sense of community with like minded students. Being outdoors also allows you to be more playful with your practice like trying an arm balance or an inversion in the soft green grass.


Nature is the ultimate studio. It provides us with the earth to stand on, shade from the trees, songs from the birds, and the sweet scents of flowers in bloom. These sensory pleasures also keep us present in our practice.

3. Nature Grounds Us:

Grounding is connecting with the earth both physically and spiritually. Seated or lying down on the during savasana, is a wonderful way to create peace and calm in your body, mind, & spirit. Studies have found that simply spending 10 to 20 minutes a day outdoors can lead to increased well-being and happiness — and decreased amounts of stress. This process is known as Forest Bathing.