What is Crow Pose
Crow Pose or in Sanskrit, Bakasana or Kakasana, is the first arm balance that we practice in yoga. It is the most physically accessible of all the arm balances. We do not need to bend like a pretzel to do the pose. Crow pose requires the ability to do a modified chaturanga ( yoga push-up) on your knees, engagement of your bhandas, and a Malasana Squat.
Benefits of Practicing Bakasana
1. Emotional Benefits of Crow: The journey to Crow builds self-confidence and helps us realize that we are bigger than our stories! Practicing the pose, gives us the opportunity to see how we deal with challenges in yoga and in life.
Do you get frustrated and quit? Or do you use this as an opportunity for growth?
2. Physical Benefits: Crow Pose strengthens the arms, wrists, upper back, & pelvic floor. It also improves balance while opening and engaging the hips.
4. Mindset Benefits of Crow Pose: Fear is our biggest obstacle in lifting our toes off the ground. To take flight, you need to lean so far forward, it feels like you are going over a cliff. This is where the work lies!
5. Crow Pose is also the gateway to other arm balances like Handstand and Firefly poses.
Beginner Tips:
1. Prepare Wrists, Shoulders, & Hips.
2. Try Supine Crow on your back
3. Practice Seated Crow
4. Find your Focal Point Directly In Front your hands, NOT on the ground beneath your hands. Taking Flight in Crow Pose is a FORWARD movement.
5. Practice Crow Pose
Supine Crow Pose
Seated Crow Pose
Crow Pose