How to Heal Yourself with Reiki

Reiki Level 1 Healing

Reiki Level 1 is the first level of Reiki training. In this level, you learn the basics of Reiki, including the history of Reiki, the principles of Reiki, and the hand positions used for self-treatment Although the healing is significantly improved through training, anyone can practice Reiki on themselves. I do this practice nearly every day for 5, 10, or 15 minutes and it always makes me feel better.

Here are some tips for healing yourself with Reiki Level 1:

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

Put on Reiki Music easily found on Youtube.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you settle into total relaxation.

reiki hand positions

Position 1:

Hands together in a prayer to set your intentions for the practice. Ask for the healing energy to be received where ever it is needed.

Position 2:

Gently place both hands on top of the head and then to the back of your head. Focus on your spiritual being & say to yourself: “Just for today, may I feel no anger.”

position 3:

Gently place both hands over your eyes and bring your attention to your Intuition. Say to yourself, ”Just for today, may there be no worry.”

position 4:

Gently place your hand over your ears, “Just for today, my I listen with and open mind.”

position 5:

Gently place your hands over your throat. “Just for today, may I speak with compassion.”

position 6:

Gently place your hands just below the breast line with the middle fingers touching each other. “Just for today, make I live with gratitude.”

position 7:

Gently place your hands over the stomach and navel area. “Just for today, may I feel do my best.” Focus on self empowerment and reducing anxiety and fear.

Position 8:

Gently place your hands on the front & side of the hips, sides of the hips. “Just for today, May I be humble.”

Position 9:

Lay onto your side and hug your knees to your chest. Gently place your hands on your low back. “Just for today, may if feel no pain.”


    Hug you knees to your chest and hold your knees, Then touch either the tops of your feet or the soles of your feet. “Just for today, may I feel grounded & Safe.

  • reiki self healing video

If you are new to Reiki, it may take some time to feel the effects of the energy. However, with regular practice, you will likely start to notice a difference in your overall well-being. Reiki can help to reduce stress, improve sleep, boost the immune system, and promote overall healing.