Is Reiki Real?

I recently obtained certifications in Reiki Level 1, focused on self-healing, and Reiki Level 2, which allows me to heal others. These certifications were granted by Reiki Masters Amy Kaufman and Tesa Baum. My interest in Reiki was piqued after experiencing a healing session with Amy, prompting me to question, "Is Reiki Real?" Despite my initial skepticism, the entire experience was so remarkable that I felt compelled to share it with all of YOU!

So, what exactly is Reiki?

The word "Rei" represents Universal Life Force, while "Ki" symbolizes Energy. Together, they form the basis of Reiki, where healing involves harnessing this universal energy to bring calmness to the mind and healing to the body. To experience this energy for yourself, try rubbing your hands together until you feel warmth, then hold your hands a few inches apart and notice the warm field between them. That sensation is the Prana or Energy. Check out this video for a guided practice: "How to Feel Energy."

Reiki Healing is a gentle form of healing that has been scientifically proven to aid in the treatment of physical ailments, support mental health, and alleviate various medical conditions. Some of the benefits of Reiki include:

Relieving asthma and breathing difficulties

Easing tension headaches and migraines

Alleviating back pain

Reducing feelings of overwhelm, stress, and fear

Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem

Combating exhaustion and improving sleep

Assisting with depression and lack of motivation

Easing loneliness and disengagement

Supporting those dealing with chronic fatigue

Providing comfort for individuals facing diseases like Cancer

If you are curious about Reiki and whether it truly works, I encourage you to contact me to learn to Reiki for yourself or Amy or Tesa for a personal session.