Tadasana Benefits: Why Mountain Pose Matters

“When I started practicing yoga, I didn’t understand the importance of Mountain Pose (aka Tadasana). Standing up straight seemed so basic. So why does Mountain Pose matter? “

Mountain Pose is the foundational pose for all standing poses, standing balance, and inversions. The Sanskrit word Tada means ‘mountain’and Asana means ‘pose,’ hence the Mountain Pose is about feeling grounded, stable, and focused.

How to do Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Stand with your legs parallel, feet together or hip distance apart. Lift and spread your toes then lay them softly down on the floor. Press down evenly through the four corners of each foot: big toe, pinky toe, inner heal, outer heal.

Firm your quad muscles, lift the knee caps, and engage your glutes as you Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor. As the lower half of your body grounds into the floor, lift and elongate your torso through the crown of your head. Spread across your collarbone and your shoulder blades into your back, Without pushing your lower front ribs forward, hang your arms beside the torso. Balance the crown of your head directly over the center of your pelvis, with the underside of your chin parallel to the floor, throat soft, and the tongue wide and flat on the floor of your mouth. Soften your eyes.

See also Which Yoga Style Is Right for You?

Physical benefits:

Improves Body Posture and Spinal Health: The practice of Mountain Pose works to align the spinal skeletal system.The engagement of the legs, glutes, and core muscles help to strengthen your back and improve your posture. Proper alignment allows your internal organs to work with more efficiency. and improve digestion, respiration, and circulation.

Emotional benefits:

Empowerment: Standing tall, rather than slumping over, is emotionally empowering. Mountain Pose is meant to bring the energy of a mountain; strong, grounded, and majestic.

Mental benefits:

Focused & Calm: As you stand in the Mountain Pose with your concentration on a fixed point and breath, you develop sharp focus and serene mind.

Want to learn more about the benefits of Tadasana? Head over to my yoga class schedule and sign up for my Standing Poses for Beginners workshop on October 10, 2020.