Which Yoga Style Is Right for YOU!

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines breath work, postures, and mindfulness. It is a journey toward self discovery. There are as many styles of yoga classes, but, which one is right for you? Some classes are slow and gentle, designed to calm the body and the mind. Other classes are vigorous and high energy, created to burn off mental noise. You will want to choose a class that fits your goals and personality. Here are some of the most popular forms of yoga.

Hatha/Alignment Yoga is class is probably the best option if you are a total beginner or if you prefer deep attention to detail in your yoga pose. Classes move slowly so that students have time to find proper alignment in their pose. Classes include standing poses, balance work, inversions, heart opening, twists, forward folds, side body work, and meditation.

Vinyasa Flow is a great class for those of you who really like to move. Students move through Sun Salutations to burn off mental anguish and movement is linked to breath. Vinyasa yoga is for those looking to get more of a workout. Vinyasa flow includes more upper body strength, core work, arm balances, backbends and inversions.

Yoga Sculpt is a combination of yoga and fitness work. Classes will include body resistance work like push-ups, lunges, and reverse crunches. Some classes may even use resistance bands and light weights. This class is ideal for a one-stop full body strength and stretch.

Yin stretches deep connective tissues throughout the muscles of your body. The aim is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility. Yin is also like a slow moving meditation. The practice is ideal for total relaxation, to help prevent injury, and improve self awareness.

Restorative Yoga - is for healing your physical and emotional body. This yoga was designed by a physical therapist and is meant for students looking to heal physically and emotionally.