Forearm Plank is a great alternative to Chaturanga. It strengthens the shoulders, core, and legs without straining the wrists or lower back. Forearm plank can also be done on your knees for those who need to modify.
Although yoga is most commonly thought of as a physical practice, yoga is an entire system that includes physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, and philosophical principles, called The Eight Limbs of Yoga created by the famous sage, Patanjali.
I was recently certified in Reiki level 1, self healing and Reiki level 2, the ability to heal others. I had experienced Reiki healing from Reiki Master, Amy Kaufman , and I was curios about the process. I was a bit skeptical at the beginning and wanted to know “I Reiki Real? The whole experience was so amazing, I wanted to share it with all of YOU!
chataranga for shoulder impimgement