4 Shoulder Exercises for Weak Shoulders

More and more students are coming to class with limited mobility in their shoulders The shoulders are needed in so many of our everyday tasks, but they are often weak and unstable. To keep the shoulders in good shape, it’s important to create strength and stability in that area without putting too much stress on the vulnerable joint.

4 Shoulder Exercises for Weak Shoulders

You can do all of these exercises, MODIFIED,


or SKIP them completely

if any of the movements INCREASE your PAIN

  1. Single Arm Bicep Curls -

    Start in a lunge or standing with your legs hip distance and your dumbbells in your hands. Place the elbow of your active arm against on your knee or against your ribs with your wrist facing toward you. Bend your elbow, pulling the weight slowly towards you, release it back down with control. Try not to use momentum to do the work. Do 10-12 reps, then switch to the opposite arm.

  2. Tricep Kickbacks -

    Start in a standing or kneeling lunge or with feet hip distance apart and your shoulder blades down and back. Lean forward slightly, engage your core and lengthen your spine with a dumbbell in each hand and elbows at 90-degrees. Press the dumbbell back and up, as you straighten arms, squeeze triceps. Do 10-12 reps, then switch to the opposite arm.

  3. Chest Press

    Start lying on the floor with your elbows bent and inline with your shoulders. Raise the weights up and together without locking your elbows. Engage your core, hold for five seconds and lower back down with control. Do 10-12 Reps.

  4. Rows -

    Start in a lunge with your right leg forward and a dumbbell in your right hand. You can also do this pose seated on the ground. . Lean forward with your core engaged and your shoulder blades down and retracted. Draw the dumbbell back by your sides, keeping the elbows close to your body and your spine elongated. To complete the rep, extend the arms in front of you and back to the starting position. Do 10 -12 reps.

    For more information about working with wrist and shoulder issues, go to


Upper Body Strength for limited Shoulder Mobility